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Kufr Ky Fatwy Lagana Kaisa?

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What is the definition of Martyr in Islam?

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How do you view 7 point Agenda of American Defense Minster?

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Who will bring Revolution in Pakistan?

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What Should we do about drone attacks?

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What is the background of Consultation with PTI Leader?

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How you view the constitution of Pakistan in its Original shape?

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Do we have accountability in our Current political System?

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What will be achieved from PAT’s protests?

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Will the final struggle results in Morning of Revolution?

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Would the loan from IMG to be taken after Dr.Qadri’s Revolution?

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Who is responsible for Inflation & High prices in Pakistan?

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How will be transferred democratic power to the people to the...

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Are the Protests in Different cities are part of Revolution?

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Kya Drone Ko Girana (rokna) Thek Hai?

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What is difference between our society?

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Is it possible that wo should make a human made law?

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Is it necessary to separate Islam from Constitution?

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What is the Concept of Islam?

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What is Democracy?

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Should Imam-e-Hussain (RA) obey Yazid’s Men festive?

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How we can differentiate a terrorist and a martyr?

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Who is Mujahid?

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Is the effort of Taliban and Army Justified equally?

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Was movement of Pakistan also uprising?

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What is the concept of Jihad with Militants?

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Is Taking up arms for defense to Taliban is Jihad?

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Why we have differences on Concept of Jihad?

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Is Dr. Qadri accusing present government for corruption?

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